
[Thoughts Before Bed]

I watched Ready Player One as this Sunday Night's movie. Fun movie, full of pop culture references.

But the thing that really sang with me was it's depiction of The Oasis. They could have basically called this "Second Life: The Motion Picture."

The Oasis, and Second Life, is a world where you can be whatever you like, do whatever you want, and fix many of the problems of life you can't fix in the real world. It was FAR more exciting than the real Second Life, but when Art3mis says, "You only know what I want you to only see what I want you to see...this isn't my real body...or my real face" I felt that in my bones.

I've lived seventeen years in Second Life. And a few months in Resonite. In Resonite I look like Zelda. In Second Life, I'm a young anime-looking brunette. Both allow me the peace of mind that wherever I go in those worlds, I'm ignored because my looks are so...conventional, compared to real life.

I really wish, however, Second Life would embrace virtual reality. My time in Resonite has been as life-changing as Second Life was seventeen years ago. I wish they'd make the move into VR, as that world would actually be better than Resonite I think. Second Life is a WORLD. Resonite is walled-in-garden environments. Both are good. But I prefer the world over a set of unlinked gardens.

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