I sometimes wonder if the average person realizes how much of the modern tech enabled world they depend on is literally held together by #trans people and #furries.

@ria I’m not saying you’re right…. but Xenia exists for a reason ;)

That said, as a trans woman and a fur, I’m not in IT, So do I even it out a bit?

@Aminorjourney Trans furry software developer, pulling it right back. 😂❤️

@Aminorjourney @ria My dear, I'm only satisfied if there's tea, a nice cake, and some gin. There always has to be gin.


@QueenieDeerhart @Aminorjourney @ria - What's funny is that I've been inside a VR world called Resonite. We're all early adopters, and finding and bulding things in there.

It's all furries and transfolk.

I don't think it's IT per-se...we're just the early tech adopters. :)

Can you guess which one is me? Hint: Not a furry, but absolutely a transwoman. ;)

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