@socketwench - Dolari.net is down, and I have an idea that it may be for good (it was a free gift from a friend decades ago who has since sold the company).

I'm planning to move to a new hoster and I'm thinking now is a good time to rebuild using Drupal. And ideas on how I would go about doing that in my local PC and then moved it to the new host?

@dolari The easiest way is to install DDEV and init a new Drupal 10 project.

@dolari Drupalize.me is usually the best out there. We could have a call to sort things if you like.

@socketwench - There was a wierd port issue where I couldn't get it installed cause Port 80 was already in use, and that's when I realized that Plex is probably doing that. I'll try again on my laptop which shouldn't have a webserver on it.


@socketwench - And we're installed!

....now I gotta figure the next stuff out....

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