
This Week's Celebratory Birthday Meal: Fairy Bread

So I have a close friend in Australia who, a few weeks ago, told me I needed to make scones after she saw my Popeyes Biscuits. That did me right, and she mentioned Fairy Bread to try as well. It's been on my radar for my birthday ever since.

Yes, it's not quite my birthday yet (about 25 hours from now). But as my parents will be here for the next two weeks I made this now so I could have some before they got here.

This is really good. For something so simple, it's REALLY good. Since becoming diabetic and cutting back on my sweets, I've lost a bit of my sweet tooth. I like cake, but rarely finish a slice in one sitting before it's too sweet. This has a really subtle sweetness that builds as you chew it, and a heckuva crunchy texture.

This is dangerous. Now I can have something lightly sweet anytime I want. And all it takes is a TON of butter and a TON of sprinkles. :)

# Fairy Bread

A slice of bread.
Enough margarine (or softened butter) to thickly spread on the bread
A whole lotta nonpareil sprinkles

1 - Grab you a slice of bread.
2 - Spread butter on bread VERY thickly, making sure to cover the whole slice.
3 - Add enough sprinkles to spread across the bread, covering it completely.

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