
Parentalpocalypse, Day Two: Birthday Edition

We got a late start on the day, so I kinda pushed our plans to another day. Instead, I literally just showed the folks around the Snoqualmie Valley, showing off Duvall, Carnation, Fall City, Snoqualmie and North Bend.

I pointed out the stuff around the towns, showed them the side roads and sights...we'd riven through these towns but never really showed them off. After we got to North Bend, we turned around to head back. Mom wanted to hit a farmer's market and thankfully, there was one in full force in Fall City.

A loaf of sourdough bread later, we headed back into town. We stopeed at Sam's Noodle Town in Carnation for birthday dinner (I'd been craving Pho for WEEKS and decided thta would be my dinner). We headed back home, relaxed a bit, and then went to C.C's 2.0 Espresso & Ice Creamery for a night cap.

After a very short tour of Duvall, we headed back. Mom and I sat and watched the Olympics while dad (successfully!) figured out how to use chopsticks.

It was a quiet birthday. I like quiet. :)

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