
Parentalpocalypse Day 9

Dad wanted to see a fishing marina, I knew a great one. I needed to drop off some equipment with a friend. What did these two things have in common? CANADA.

We headed out to Abbotsford cause the Sumas crossing was quick, and I dropped off a package that was sitting in my foyer waiting for delivery for six months.

This is pretty far from Vancouver and the Steveston Fisherman's Wharf, so I kind of struggled with what to do between here and there. I decided to hot some of the spots I'd hit when I was considering emigrating to Vancouver.

First, a trip down Avenue Zero, where you drive on a road in Canada, and the border is inches to your left. Nothing between the countries to stop people from crossing over (except hidden camera, sensors, all manner of monitors and a big ole ditch). It's always neat to see how open a border can be.

We skipped Peace Arch, and headed through to White Rock so dad could add another fishing village. It was PACKED. Apparently there was yet another summer fair going on.

From there, we headed to Centennial Beach, where, after being complimented that I knew the area like an old pro, I proceeded to make a million wrong turns. Karma, man.

But we did make it and spent some time at the beach staring at Mt Baker and collecting shells for mom's craft work. From three I took them down to Tsawassen for some more water views.

We jumped over to Steveston Harbor where we finally enjoyed a real fisherman's Wharf with real fish and chips.

Sadly our time in Canada was short, and we really only saw three of my MANY cheap-to-free Vancouver haunts. But it was nice to be in my "Almost Home" for a bit. I've missed it.

And dad had his first Ketchup Chips! 78 and never had ketchup chips. We've been to Canada three times! How the heck did that happen?

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