
Transition Lesson #9723

Since day one of my transition, I used a liquid foundation for makeup. It was the same kind Steph used. I shouldn't have used that specific one as she is lighter skinned than I am and I ended up looking like I was wearing a mask. But I didn't know better so I just used it for decades.

About ten years ago, my mother suggested another foundation stick that was much closer to my skin tone. While I didn't know how to apply it, I'd watched my mom put it on in the rear view mirror of the car enough times to figure it out.

I finally ran out of that foundation a few weeks ago, and found out that that specific color was discontinued. Mom instead sent me some powder foundation she used. I'd never used powdered founation before. I don't remember any of my friends using it, sent it with a brush. So I used the brush to brush it on. Wasn't too happy with the results.

Yesterday, while getting ready for a meeting, I opened the foundtation case, and it slipped out of my hand. Turns out the foundation had ANOTHER hinge and inside was a sponge. I was supposed to use THAT. And I tried it, and it worked beautifully.

I'd never used that foundation before, so didn't know that's how you applied it. Still learning things twenty five years later. :)

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@dolari They usually show up under a different name. Have faith and bring the old stick to Walgreens or something - and buy two when you find a match :) Might be more helpful to use on the go.

I am reminded when a friend came to visit when I lived at my parents. The kitchen table had a collection of medication and Mom's assorted lipsticks. She read them off - such exotic names! - some looked identical in shade across two brands.

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