
So as I spend time more and more in VR, I find more and more that the household servers are disrupted. This is because I run all my stuff off the office machine and the servers work in Linux. The VR, though, only works in Windows. So I go into VR, I lose all my servers.

Last night, I finally moved my file and Plex servers over to my living room machine. It's always on as is, rarely gets used, and while underpowered, it works just fine to serve files and transcode video. And now I can jump into VR without losing the house servers.

There was a side effect I didn't expect, though - I can now pipe live TV through the house via my Plex server. I don't watch much live TV, and mostly just use it for news, but I always had an issue "piping" that video to my office computer.

Usually, I have my TV hardware record the video to a file in the living room, and then I watch that file in the office. Roundabout way, but it works. But now, with the Plex server out there, I can turn on Plex, tell it "Channel 7" and poof, I get channel 7 in the office.

Also - Whose Line in the office is very nice. :)

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