
Wierd Question: I was taught and certified to give CPR in health class in school. Was it just us? Or did more people get that in their health classes?

If so, do they still teach it?

I'm not certified anymore - but I remember how to do it if I needed to.

This thought brought to you by a wierd sitcom scene where no one knew CPR.

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@dolari I advise you looking up the current practice for CPR - it changes every few years.

@Aradia - I should just straight up get re-certified. I've never done CPR in real life, but it's a good skill to know.

@dolari I had CPR training/certification in my Senior year of HS. But I also went to a tiny schooling co-op thing, I dunno how representative that is. (this also would have been 16ish years ago now)


(Context: Scotland, school 1970s-80s.)

Now I think of it, we were shown the basics in primary school if I remember, but not at a level where it would be much use.  It wasn’t a ‘health class’, just a random thing one day.  I did a first aid course as a charity volunteer about 20 years later.  In recent years first aid and separate mental health first aid training has been rolled out to far more people in workplaces, and I think in schools.

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