We pick up right where we left off. Taylor and Nova riding off into the Forbidden Zone leaving Zira, Cornelius, and Zaius behind....

Waitaminute...Statue of Liberty, THAT WAS OUR PLANET! YOU MA---.


#wenchwatches #beneathThePlanetOfTheApes

Luna is deciding to make this watch difficult. Cat, I need that hand...

#wenchwatches #beneathThePlanetOfTheApes

Sequels can often go one of two ways:

You do the same thing as the first film, sometimes better, sometimes worse. You do a completely different thing.

This film is doing more of the former than the latter. Instead of merely continuing with Taylor and Nova, we get a second ship crashing in the Forbidden Zone, with our lone survivor of Brent.

For whatever reason, Brent is a PoV character this time, and not Taylor. Perhaps Heston asked for too much cash this time.

#wenchwatches #beneathThePlanetOfTheApes

"I do not say the human is evil just because his skin is white..."

Welp. The movie just put it on the nose. I shied away from the potential racist metaphor at he heart of the first PotAs. The speech by General Ursus immediately has fascist and colonialist tones. It does lead credence to the idea that the franchise plays on white fears of being replaced by those they oppressed. Given racist depictions of black people...yeah. It's hard to unsee at that point.

#wenchwatches #beneathThePlanetOfTheApes


@socketwench - Just wait'll you get to Conquest. It's the Watts Riots in Sci-Fi. But usually I'm rooting for the apes in that one.

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