
Hey, all! Some fun ST:TMP related news!

As you may know, I'm a fan of Movie Archaeology, digging into early drafts of movies. ST:TMP got me started in that, and was the subject of my first comparison page of all the drafts and movies, which you can see here:

What CAN'T you see? The actual scripts (unless you ask real nice). Mainly because I can't afford the bandwidth for some of these scripts to be downloaded. However, the folks over at Forgotten Trek have made some of the scripts I have available for reading!

Read Phillip Kaufman's "Star Trek: Treatment for the Motion Picture " (a last ditch attempt to keep Star Trek: Planet of the Titans afloat) here:

Read both Harold Livingston's Rough Draft and Gene Roddenberry's Second Draft of "In Thy Image" here: (The Rough Draft was written for the proposed TV show, and the Second Draft was written as the production was moving towards Star Trek: The Motion Picture)

I do have other drafts of the movie, which aren't hosted online right now, but if you'd like to read them, let me know.

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