
Controversial Opinion Before Bed

The Nintendo 3DS makes a better portable than the Nintendo Switch. Despite having beefier hardware, Switch is too big. 3DS, particularly the XL form factors are juuuust right.

@dolari i miss the ds. i just wished the ds and 3ds kept gameboy/color support. imagine being able to play og gameboy cartridges on a 3ds
@dolari agree wholeheartedly, even the switch lite is just large and stupidly unergonomic cause its just a damn slab

not helped by a lot of games being designed for the switch *as a home console* causing them to honestly just suck to play on the go

@dolari I absolutely adore my 2DS XL, it not only plays all the *DS games, but is also a nice little retro emulator handheld when configured properly. And unlike the switch and especially the steam deck, it easily fits in my purse.

@bridget I could fit a Switch in my purse, but in roughly the same volume I could also fit a padded zipper bag with a 3DS and RG351P in it that is significantly less likely to be destroyed by all the other random objects in my purse and contains significantly more Metroidvania and Cave Story. :neobot_giggle:

@dolari I never used a 3DS so tbh, can't say if it was the best size but I find that for me, a 7 inch screen is basically ideal for handhelds. Would game on a 7-8" tablet back when Android had games worth playing.

That said, I am concerned about the Switch 2 being bigger. While I don't feel it's too big, the current competitors definitely do and I'm not sure if I want the Switch 2 to be more like them

@dolari agreed! I just dug mine up and I'm in love with it again!

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