I could use your help, #fediverse. :boost_ok:

I haven't had to seriously write a contending #resume in 16 years. I understand that the process has changed quite a bit in this time, and could use your assistance in determining useful keywords to include as well as a format to use. Does anyone have any good suggestions for tools, further reading, or examples on this subject?


@mawr lie. hard and fast and often. tell them you were the chief assistant to the Secretary General of Burkina Faso from 1997 to 2005. and if they catch you in the lie, tell them you're glad they caught your deliberate misdirection because it shows their dedication to honesty and preventing the spread of misinformation; which is a cornerstone of your career philosophy.

@mawr i have no other selectable modes.


wait, that's not true, i have two. "hard" and "wiggledy."

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