
today i am dealing with the ever-approaching slow-motion horrorpocalypse by: making hot dogs and mac&cheese while mildly puzzled on Costco vodka and listening to Bunnygrunt.

how are you dealing with the impending collapse of civilization today? wince knowingly, smile painfully, and leave a reply.

@zx3 Composing a cover of a thirty-plus-year-old cartoon theme song on a period-apprioriate videogame system.

For the second time!


getting packed to go to a fetish convention. Trying to ignore all the other things for a couple days.


Scripting horror games that I will maybe someday possibly get around to making if I can just get past this unbearable depression.

planning a camping trip to a political event that i'm worried will actually just be a party in the woods or some shit XD

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