it's a lot easier to pretend that Everything Happening Now doesn't exist as a line on a diagram being plotted somewhere and that all the lines are converging and at the center of the diagram is a big sign that says "ESCHATON (AHHHH SHIT)" when you have booze and good music.
we have always been living in the End Times. we have never had a choice in the matter.
@zx3 wait... was that a Charles Stross reference? XD
@garrwolfdog i have been reading through @cstross 's "Laundry" series, and though he handles the concept of "the end of the world as we know it/something completely inexplicable taking its place" better than most; the idea of immanenatizing the Eschaton is not solely his invention.
@zx3 @garrwolfdog You have read "Illuminatus!", yes?
@garrwolfdog @zx3 Very, but you'll need to triangulate for it being written in the early 1970s, when conspiracy theories were a very fringe thing that most people had never heard of.
@garrwolfdog @cstross i want to say something clever about Hagbard Celine's golden submarine being more reliable than the Titan sub but really i'm just a touch gobsmacked that Mastodon let me conjure up Charles Stross on a whim. this is a dangerous power.