
welp that's the other shoe...literally. swanky!job has officially turned me down. i'm not shocked, just disappointed. i was looking forward to the possibility of having to weigh pros and cons of both places and make a choice that was going to benefit me. it would have been nice.

on the other hand, i know me, and getting a cushy, high-paying job in a very high-rent area of the city doing something i'm juuuuuust barely qualified to do would probably set off my impostor syndrome pretty bad and made me even more paranoid and insular, always afraid of upsetting someone or becoming a target of scrutiny. the place where i'm working now, it seems a little more grounded, a bit more in my league. or maybe this is what i'm telling myself.

either way, i am doing my best to internalize the Picard Maxim: it is possible to make no mistakes, and still lose. That is not weakness, that is life. And keep your jumpsuit tugged down at the waist, for fuck's sake, nobody wants to see it all bunched up around your ears.

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