
Going to start work on the website redesign tonight. Still kinda conflicted on how I'm gonna do it other than a vague idea of what I want.

I was never good at CSS, never good at Javascript, and even with a Drupal wizard to help, I could never figure it out the way I wanted, so I may just do straight HTML for it and steal CSS from other sites as needed (which is how we did it back in the day anyways).

I'm thinking of at least formatting it at 16:9. Right now, with the ST:TMP landing page as a test, I figured the best display would be a "Square" so reading it tall-and-thin was okay, and wide-and-short worked, too, but I had a lot of dead space. At 16:9, you'd need to read on a phone sideways, but that's how I do it anyways (although most of the rest of the world doesn't).

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