
Hey y'all. Website is getting a bif update in January and a clean-up. Here's a quick shot of what the front page would look like.

I'm going for a much cleaner look to the site, but keeping the color schemes I've had since Day One. It's a little Windows 8, but I still think it looks okay-ish. It also should be dynamic and resize to the size you want it be within some limitations both small and big.

I checked it out with my phone and while it works great in a horizontal alignment, the vertical alignement is not the best.

1) Does this work for you technically? Image wise? Nothing cut off, broken, scrambled? (The links are all broken, so please don't worry about that)

2) Does it work for you aesthetically? Does it LOOK nice?

@dolari honestly it's a little painful on phones, even in landscape. It's typically a best practice to go from 3 columns to a single column on smaller devices with media queries and if you wanted to implement that I'd be happy to send you the css and tweak it until it's something you like.

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