More feedback, more fixes. Even MORE feedback may make for even more fixes, so please feel free to critique.

Off the bat, I'm making these pages for Desktop Viewing, Mobile Viewing is secondary. I hate to do that, but I'm just not that good at putting sites together that can dynamically change. I'm cheating that by allowing the tables themselves to dynamically resize themselves. It works, although it's not ideal.

First up:

I've upped the font size on the text to make it more readable. I'd forgotten that the reaosn I used small sizes was for labelling images, which I'm doing with alt-text and tooltips, and was using it for main text. I did, however, make the "small print" very small.

Text colors and are now gold on the main page, instead of grey/black for stuff that isn't done yet. I'm hoping the [Soon] labels and that the text links don't light up are enough to signal that those pages do not yet exist. The Poop Orange for Alexandria is now dark green. Here's the thing about those colors. Each section of my website is based on a color. That color? Chun Li's outfits in SSF2T. I'm out of colors. So for Voices of Authority and Alexandria, I tried some Street Fighter Alpha colors. But a bunch of those are ALSO the same as her SSF2T colors. Im thinking of duplicating the color schemes, just making them 50% darker at this point for any new section.

There is now a background to the page, jsut to break up the monotony of the black. I actually had this as my Livejournal background, but for some reason, it would stop working after a few weeks.


The Star Trek pages are now sort of up as a test of the content template:

This is an old template I've had designed for a while. Section Navigation on the left, site navigation on the right, content in the center with a banner up top and disclaimers on the bottom. I think it works.

It seemed a little monochrome having everything in flat turquoise, though (my previous versions had nice see-through background gradients that wouldn't work in a dynamically changing table), which is why I decided on adding backgrounds to the pages. I tried a V'Ger blue background, but that made it MORE boring. Using the wormhole from TMP with it's red really made the blue pop.

The links to the Star Trek pages work, but take you to broken sites, so don't click those.

What do you think?

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