
I picked up some IKEA furniture today, and decided to see about rearranging the living room while I was at it. I'v enever liked how the sofa "sat" in the room, making it hard to get into the living room unless you were thin (which I am not).

I pushed the sofa up against the wall to make a larger area to get into the living room, but it seriously broke the Feng-Shui of the room. Now, the sticky-outy bit of the sofa kind of "defines" a small area off to the side of the living room, and there's a giant open area near the fireplace. It's split the living toom in two parts.

I have a four-day weekend coming up, I think what I'm going to do is breakdown the sofa and move that sticky-outy bit from the left side of the sofa to the right. That should open the area up a lot more, and make it "one room" again.

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@dolari what about separating them? Just because it’s a sectional doesn’t mean they have to be touching that might give you some more options and you can walk between the two sections and have the table near both sides as well.

@blackcatranch - SECTIONAL! That's the word I was looking for!

The pieces are actually built to be bolted together. If I seperate them, the pieces are unfinished where they join. They are modular, where I can rebolt the end pieces on the other side of the sofa.

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