
Left the apartment to get groceries. The road outside my apartment was snowy AND icy, but there were enough bare patches to make it down fine.

Went to the local grocery store, but their power was out. I bought what I could, and then went to Safeway, whose power was ALSO out. It was looking as thought I was going to have to wait until the ice storm ended for gorceries when the power came back up at Safeway and I was able to get all but a few groceries, and those few weren't anything particularly necessary.

Coming back...that was an adventure. There are two large hills I need to go up to get to my apartment. One was iced over, so I went around it - no problem. The one that leads to my apartment though. No bare patches anymore, and click made it ALMOST to my parking spot before she got stuck. I tried a few times, and wasn't able to get to it.

Decided "well, if I can't get up, I'll go back down." Which is great, cause as it turned out, I ws going down wether I wanted to or not. The only thing that kept me from hitting the vans parked at the bottom of the road was I turned the wheels hard left and as soon as I hit the plowed road at the bottom Click lurched away from the vans. She's parked on the street, now.

Not often my Pennsylvania snow and ice driving skills are put to use out here, but even worse, it's not often I'm bested by the hills out here....

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@dolari oof. We've got hills but they aren't quite that bad. It's gonna get really squirrelly here the next couple days though.

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