So, about that computer shelving....

Since about November, I've been thinking of changing up the house a bit. The 2x2 cube I had in the office did a good job until I got a VCR that didn't fit in the cube, and the laser printer I got from my parents sure wasn't, so I ordered a 3x3 cube.

At the same time, I wanted to get rid of the TV tray I was using as a nightstand in the bedroom, and I figured the 2x2 cube would make for a great replacement.

THIRDLY, now that I also had a second VCR in the living room for encoding, and the PC was already just sitting on the ground, I figured getting some nice shelving for that would at least give me a place for the VCR and PC and it'd look nice.

Looking online at IKEA, I found a nice low shelf, and ordered it. What I got was MUCH larger than the pictures showed, and honestly, I think I got the wrong "structural supports" but the right number of shelfs. It ended up being MUCH bigger and wider than I expected.


So I began thinking....I can't use this in the living room. What if I moved it to the computer room instead of the 3x3 cube. It's more of a server rack looking thing, and would hold the PC, VCR and laser printer, so we'll throw it there. We'll use the 3x3 cube in the living room, and 2x2 cube in the bedroom.

And as I'm assembling the 3x3 cube, I'm realizing there's not enough room for the PC, VCR and some of the Video Game Shrine on top, so that wouldn't work either. And then I thought, maybe if I take the 2x4 shelving, and turn it on it's side, it's now 4x2 shelving, and suddenly I had enought room for everything.


But now I have that 3x3 cube, and no place for it. So I threw it against the back wall, and I'll hope I find something I can eventually use it for.

The moral of the story? Freaking measure everything before you buy from IKEA, or get ready to think super creatively.

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