
This Week's Meals, Working Through The Insomnia Edition (2/3): Luby's Bacon & Cheese Steak

Are chopped steaks (AKA gussied up hamburger patties) a thing outside Texas? I know the Night Hawk restaurants in Austin had several different types (usually called Top Chop'd) as did Tip Top in San Antonio. Luby's has three types of Chopped Steaks.

I like them, but, really, they're just gussied up hamburger patties and outside of Salisbury Steaks, I've never seen them outside of Texas.

Also, after working with cheddar and pepper jack and parmesan cheeses, American cheese is just its own wierd thing....

# Bacon & Cheese Steak

Luby's Recipes & Memories
13.0 steaks

1.0 cup bacon (cooked) (chopped)
8.0 ounces American cheese (shredded)
0.5 cup sliced green onions
8.0 slices white bread (crust removed)
0.5 cup beef broth
1.0 tablespoon kosher salt
2.0 teaspoons black pepper
3.0 pounds ground beef chuck
2.0 whole eggs

1 - Mix bacon, American cheese and sliced green onions in a bowl. Set aside.
2 - Place white bread and beef broth in a large mixing bowl. Work together until bread has absorbed all of broth and is soft.
3 - Add salt, pepper, ground beef and eggs, then blend together using your hands. Chill mixture well.
4 - Divide meat mixture into portions.
5 - Work each portion into a firm ball, and place between 2 pieces of plastic wrap.
6 - Using your hands, flatten ball out into an oval.
7 - Refrigerate until ready to cook.
8 - Preheat oven to 350°F.
9 - In a large skillet on medium high heat, cook two or three steaks 3 minutes on each side.
10 - Remove and place on a foil-lined baking sheet.
11 - Distribute cheese mixture evenly among cooked steaks.
12 - Place steaks in oven about 2 minutes to melt cheese topping.

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