Just ate the worst MRE ever. Not because it was bad. It was actually good for what it was. But because it contained tuna (blech) and carrot cake (blech).

I remained as objective as I could, but...blech.

@dolari why would you eat one voluntarily? You're a good cook!


@cubeyterra -

1) I keep a store of MREs for emergencies. A few in my car, a few in my forest road kit, and a few in my bug-out bag. Just in case.

2) I eat one a month just to rotate them out. They do go back after a few years.

3) I'm planning on doing a write-up for the five civilian MRE packs I know I can get, so I've been eating one different one a week. Those'll go up soon.


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@dolari @cubeyterra I think you would have a lot of fun with an Excalibur dehydrator, which can be purchased refurbished on eBay. You can dehydrate your own food. Make meals dehydrate them. Check out some of the blogs and video channels by through hikers and other folks. I think this might pique your interest.

@dolari Oh, wow. That seems reasonable!

Ever tried to make your own MRE with canning jars?

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