
A cute little story from The Texas Hill Country in an April 1882 issue of the Bandera Bugle:

"Two sons of T. J. Cullen, residing on the middle Verde, set out on Thursday week to seek their fortunes. James, aged eleven years, and Eddie nine, had words with their father on the fateful morning, and concluded to “light out.” Coming to Cow Creek, and fearing that they would be trailed by dogs, they took to the water, and waded three miles up the creek, coming out on the west Verde and striking the Quihi road. The first day they camped eighteen miles from home, near to Quihi. Cutting some grass for a bed, they lay down, and here in the quietness of Solitude they agreed to change their names to Charles and Frank Macklemore, to tell no lies, rob no stage coaches, nor steal. Eddie resolved to herd until he gathered $50 to send to his mother, and Charles resolved to aim at the ministry. Next morning they started out and luck was with them. They found a five-cent piece, with which they bought food. Jogging along they arrived at Castroville, and soliciting food they were questioned closely, and Charles stated that they came from Center Point. Afterwards Eddie charged him with telling the first lie, but Charles excused himself on the ground that he was in a fix and he had to get out of it. However, better thoughts began to be engendered as gnawings of hunger increased, and it was resolved to return home. Making back tracks they struck the Bandera road and reached home on Sunday, a few hours ahead of a pursuing party who had gone out after them."

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