
I have a lot of issues with sleep. Normally, my body wants to sleep from 8AM to 4PM. On my days off from work I tried very hard to not go to bed later than 4AM and wake up about Noon.

I've also recently had issues where my body has decided it's just not going to sleep if I'm not sleepy, or will keep waking up if it's not sleepy.

And then I realized - it's winter. The days are VERY short in Seattle (the sun sets about 4:30PM right now) so i can't drive very far if I go anywhere. I'm laid off so I don't have any jobs I need to go to. And as long as I'm awake for job interviews, I dont NEED to be awake when I'm sleepy, or asleep when I'm feeling awake.

Why not sleep whenever your body wants and go with it?

I might as well be comfy until I'm back to work.

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