
This Week's Meals: (1/3): Chippewa Wild Rice and Eggs.

I used 15 eggs in this recipe and cooked in three batches with my largest skillet. It's a really good omlette. And really thick. :D

# Chippewa Wild Rice and Eggs

Spirit of the Harvest: North American Indian Cooking
2.0 servings

1.0 cup water
0.25 tsp salt
0.3333333333333333 cups wild rice
4.0 slices bacon (cut into thin strips)
4.0 whole green onions (thinly sliced)
6.0 whole eggs
0.125 tsp ground pepper

1 - In a saucepan, birng water and a pinch of salt to a boil.
2 - Stir in wild rice.
3 - Cover and reduce heat to low.
4 - Simmer for 50 to 60 minutes, untiil all water is absorbed.
5 - Fluff with fork and reserve.
6 - In an 8-inch nonstick or well-seasoned skillet over medium heat, sauté bacon until crisp.
7 - Drain off all but about 2 tablespoons of drippings from skillet.
8 - Add green onions and wild rice and sauté briefly.
9 - In a mixing bowl, lightly beat eggs with salt and pepper.
10 - Add eggs to skillet and stir with a fork to scramble lightly.
11 - Stop stirring and allow eggs to brown lightly on the bottom.
12 - Place a large dinner plate face down on top of skillet. Carefully flip skillet and turn omelet out on plate.
13 - Slide omelet back into pan and cook for a few seconds.
14 - Cut into wedges and serve hot or at room temperature.

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