
Tonight's Star Trek: TNG was "Remember Me."

I love this episode. One of my favorites of what the writer's called "Wierd Shit" episodes.

Trek has a habit of creating human answers to sci-fi problems, or sci-fi answers to human problems. This one is a rarity for Trek: A Sci-Fi answer to a Sci-Fi problem. How do you explain Warp Bubbles to a viewer who doesn't know what that is? How do explain that equasions and metaphysics fix the issue? Thankfully, it's done well and with a lot of imagery to match the technobabble.

But the real meat of the story is Beverly Crusher trying to figure out the mystery of the missing people on the ship, the missing stars in the sky, then missing pieces of the ship, as well as questioning the sanity of people around her, and her own sanity. And Gates McFadden is AMAZING in this. I really wish she got to more episodes to sink her teeth into.

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@dolari It also gives us one of the greatest out of context images of all times.

@dolari Oh yes, it's a fantastic episode. I just wish they'd stuck with Beverly's point of view for the whole episode, and done any necessary explanation after she got out, instead of starting cutting back to the real world part way through.

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