So many folks answered my living in space question with "I want to be the spaceship." and I guess I already knew I had a lot of transhuman friends and also others who would be too focused on now to have fantasies of life in the future, either in space or posthuman. XD

So tell me about your future ideal self/selves! What do you want to be, and what should it be like?


@relee - At the risk of sounding boring, I just wanna be normal-ish. :)

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@dolari That's fine! But, what's the ish part?

It sounds like you want to change things, right? Even if the end result is 'normal' it's different from now, right?

@relee - I'm an unpassable transwoman whose transition has gone very badly. Second Life allows me to have a pretty normal body and, as I often semi-jokingly say, "allows me to be ignored."

@dolari Sympathies. It's no good to have any sort of medical procedure go badly. I'm glad you're still with us.

I wonder what you look like that makes you unpassable?

Though, these days lots of folks will look at cis women and think they're trans so who knows?

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