Since I was up this morning, I opened up the shortwave and checked to see what I was missing being a night owl. Apparently I was missing pretty much everything. Super clear signals, many overlapping each other, and several clear as a bell. I'm gonna have to see about setting up a time to record some of these while I'm asleep.

I got seven stations that were not just recognizable, but perfectly listenable like any local AM Station: Radio New Zealand (which comes in like gangbusters most anytime of day), KNLS out of Alaska, Voice of America out of the Phillipines, and China Radio International out of Jinhua and Shijiazhuang. Given that the only station I'd actually listen to was Radio New Zealand, it's not changed much, but my options are better.

@dolari @ke7zum HF propagation has been outstanding today, especially 15 and 20 meters during the afternoon. 40 is likewise in good shape now that the sun has gone down. Good time to also catch some shortwave DX.


@sclower @ke7zum - I got some really good stuff this morning on 7255 7390 7410 9760 9800 11570 11660. Reception in Seattle isn't normally very good, but these were coming in so clear this morning they could have been local AM stations.

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@dolari @ke7zum Very nice. I live in a very noise-saturated apartment complex, so it's always tough picking out good signals out of the ether that aren't WRMI or WBCQ. I've yet to get Radio NZ over here in Indiana.

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