
Reseasoning panic #4

I went ahead and removed the comal from the water/vinegar soak, washed it to an inch of its life to make sure all the vinegar is washed off, and it's now reseasoning in the oven.

I've made the problem a billion times worse. I had small little orange patches of rust. Now the whole thing is orange. I'm only reseasoning it to seal the comal to keep it from rusting any further.

Once I get a job, I'm going to have someone profressionally restore it, and then put it away for good. I rarely use it as it is, (I make tortillas maybe once a year because I'm diabetic) and frankly, it's better I just have a cheapie non-stick griddle for stuff like that.

I just hope I didn't ruin it.

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@dolari Orange is to be expected... once you dry it after the vinegar, it all instantly gets a thin layer of rust. You wipe oil over that, dry with paper towels, and bake at 500 for an hour. Do that oil and bake cycle a couple of times and it turns black again.

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