Picard Episode 1 OVER.

I'm really getting the feeling that this is the Trek version of The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess. After multiple Legend of Zelda games that were ostensibly aimed at kids, and tweens, suddenly we get the much more mature and refined Twilight Princess. "Zelda All Grown Up."

That's what I'm feeling here: "Star Trek - The Next Generation - Twilight Princess."

Looking forward to more. Also: More Orla Brady please. :)

(Also, wasn't there this threat from a transwarp conduit at the end of Season 2 we had to deal with?)

@dolari I still need to finish Season 2. I started it, saw 7 of 9 and decided I needed to rewatch Voyager and am just now halfway through season 7. Soon.


@bridget - There's little things I love about Seven of Nine in the new series. As I watched Season 1, Seven felt VERY un-Seven like. VERY VERY un-Seven. And then, there's this one little tine moment between her and Picard, Former Borg Drone to Former Borg Drone, where everything drops for a second and the old Seven of Nine is RIGHT THERE. And suddenly, Seven's "Un-Seven-ness" makes perfect sense.

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