
So here's my pitch, Rti 中央廣播電臺 and/or TaiwanPlus

I'm a gal from Texas. I know very very little Chinese. I can read some of it (enough to at least pick up a character here and there and deduce the rest), and I can speak very very bad and primitive Chinese (like "I don't speak Chinese" and "where are the [whatever]"). What I know of Taiwan comes from RTI, Taiwan+, my old pen pal from the 90s and the American Media (which that last one is fairly little).

Put me down in the middle of one of Taiwan's cities with a camera and/or audio person and a producer (to provide some safety, translation, and things to see), and we walk the streets of various cities in Taiwan, going from famous place to place, but also check out whatever is in between that catches our eye.

It's not an original idea, it's something that NHK does with their "Somewhere Street." The difference is, I have no idea what I'm doing, seeing or going. The surprise of what I'm seeing, learning, doing is genuine. Not to mention I don't know the culture, expectations or specifics. But I'm willing to learn, be educated, and in turn teaching and educating the listener/viewer.

I'm currently unemployed and could use some cash to keep the apartment in my name until the lease runs out, so you can have me for the whole summer if necessary. :)

Whaddaya say?

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