
So, yeah, the Tangy Spicy Shrimp IS the Austin Super China recipe, but with a lot more broth and veggies. The way Austin Super China served it was just the shrimp on a bed of sliced onions. This recipe is more of shrimp in a broth.

BUT, if I don't eat the broth, and just the shrimp, it's exactly the same. I'm thinking Austin Super China cooks it in the broth/sauce, but then either (1) drains the broth from the shrimp serving itself or (2) uses the sliced onion to soak up the broth.

It's kind of expensive to not eat the broth this cooks in (it takes 20-some scallions!), but it IS the same dish....

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@dolari wow, Super China's way up in North Austin (which I guess makes this north north NOOOORTH Austin)

@andyy - I lived pretty close to there for several years. They were my goto place for American Chinese. (I did Chen's Noodle House and Asia Cafe when I wanted something less American).

@dolari way down south where we live wasn't a great place for Chinese food. Luckily we had a lot of other great options though

@andyy - There was a place down south I liked to go to when I was in the area. IT was a branch of a Chinese place up on Anderson Lane that burned down in the 2000s....

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