
This Week's Meals (2/4): Klobásník (aka Pigs in a Blanket)

If at first you don't succeed, get a better recipe. And now that I can make Salibury Steak, Pigs in a Blanket AND Cinnamon Rolls, I can make all the stuff I remember from the old Locke Hill Elementary School cafeteria. :D

So I melded this recipe together from the kolache recipe to make the dough, and then the "construction" instructions from the recipe I tried last week.

The good news: The kolache dough works WAAAY better. The down side? Might be too sweet for a savory pastry. But we'll find out in the morning when I have the first one! I do like sweet-and-salty, hopefully it's not overpowering. If so, I might pull back on the sugar or the honey-butter topping.

# Klobásník

5.0 Klobásník

0.25 cup milk (scalded)
0.25 cup sugar
0.5 tsp salt
0.25 tsp mace
0.25 whole lemon rind
0.75 package yeast
0.25 cup water (dough)
1.0 whole egg (beaten)
0.25 cup salted butter (melted)
1.6666666666666665 cups flour
2.5 slices American Cheese
5.0 whole sausages (hot dog sized)
0.5 tsp water (egg wash)
1.0 whole egg (egg wash)
1.0 tbsp unsalted butter (honey butter)
1.0 tbsp honey

1 - Combine milk, sugar, salt, mace and lemon rind. Cool to lukewarm.
2 - Stir yeast into warm water; let stand 5 minutes.
3 - Add to milk mixture. Stir in eggs and margarine and enough flour to make a soft dough.
4 - Knead on lightly floured board until smooth and elastic.
5 - Cover, let rise in warm place until double in bulk.
6 - Punch down, cover and let rise for 30 minutes.
7 - While dough is still rising, add the sausages to a large skillet and cook until warmed through, turning while they cook to ensure all sides are lightly seared.
remove the dough to a work surface lightly sprinkled with flour.
8 - Cut the dough into equal amounts (depending on the amount you are making).
9 - Ignore this step. It's a duplicate step from melding the two recipes together. :D
10 - Prepare a large baking sheet with a silicone mat or sprayed with non stick cooking spray. Set aside.
11 - Working with one piece of dough at a time, press the dough into a larger square shape, large enough to cover one of your sausages on one side..
12 - Place a half slice of cheese on one side, then the sausage.
13 - Roll the dough and pinch together where it meets.
14 - Place on the prepared baking sheet with the seam side down.
15 - Continue until all the klobásník are prepared.
16 - Place the klobásník on the baking sheet with approximately 1/2 to 1 inch of space in between, they rise while they bake, but it’s ok if they run into each other.
17 - Cover and let rise for an additional 45 minutes.
18 - While rising, preheat oven to 400 degrees F.
19 - Remove the cover from the klobásník
20 - Prepare the egg wash by beating the egg with the water. Brush this over the top of the dough.
21 - Bake for 14-15 minutes until the tops are golden. Turn the baking sheet during the middle of baking if needed for even browning.
22 - Remove from the oven, combine the melted butter and honey, and brush this on top of the Kklobásník while they are still hot.
23 - Let cool for several minutes, then serve warm.

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