
When I created Carrie for Closetspace (yes, the comic isn't dead, the artist is just trying to survive), I based her on Suzanne Vega because I loved the idea (and the sound) of a woman and a guitar and not much else.

What's funny, though, is that Closetspace's story in the comics is just part of a larger story I'd planned out just to make sure the continuity and where they were headed made sense. I had the idea that eventually she'd be a music producer in her 40s and would occasionally play in other's songs as a session player.

There's a sound in some songs where, when I hear them, I think "That's Carrie, playing cause so-and-so was sick that day." It's the sound of Mike Nesmith playing the guitar on the live track of the Monkee's Circle Sky ( or Jonny Greenwood on Radiohead's "Optimistic" ( which also happen to be two of my fave songs.

I always imagine she can play on all sorts of different types of genres, but always brings a sort of electric country twang to her playing.

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