
Something I miss about the Nintendo 3DS is, well, the 3D. I was probably the last person on the planet to play games on it in 3D.

I loved that its version of 3D was "A window into another world" and was less interested in "I'M GONNA POKE YOU IN THE EYE." One of the real missed marks were the 3D Classics. Nintendo took some of their old properties, adapted them to 3D, and it freshened them up a bit.

Very few games came out for 3D Classics (and even the last one was done JUST to sell alongside Kid Icarus Uprising), but Sega picked up the line and made amazing 3D versions of Sonic the Hedgehog and Altered Beast.

Sad that the 3D just didn't pan out as well as it could have - I was impressed by it, but was probably the only one.

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