
Last year, my parents put my car through a little accident. I decided I wasn't going to do any forest road tripping until it got fixed. After taking it to a mechanic, he basically said the repair costs were more than the car was worth.

Normally, I'd say "DO IT ANYWAYS" but I had a job that paid well, and I was looking at replacing Click with a pickup. Well, I lost the job, the truck isn't happening, and Click is still broken (in fact, I just noticed part of the skid plate has torn off and I'm trying to figure out wether that's from something I hit, or someone trying to get at my catalytic converter).

I still want to roadtrip, and I still want to see what's out there. But I've never really explored like I did the Texas Hill Country. I go places, yeah, but I was exploring the mountains and the forests, but not the towns around here to see what they have to offer.

I'd previously divided the state into "sections" and back in the day, I could drive as far out as Houston from Austin and back in a full day. That was 150 miles...

I needed a trip to cheer me up, and seeing as I had a full tank of gas, and it was a nice day, I decided to go ahead and do some exploring....

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