
Unpopular Trek Opinion:

So, the Section 31 movie is coming out. I love love LOVE Michelle Yeoh, both as Mirror Universe Georgiou and Prime Universe Georgiou...but I've never ever liked the idea of Section 31.

While the idea of a "We do the dirty things that keep the happy things safe" makes sense, it's always felt like such a "Not Federation" idea all the way back to their debut in DS9. Also, for the secret organization they were protrayed as in DS9 and Enterprise, they've sure broadcasted their existence loudly in the new era series.

I'm kind of glad this is going to be a movie, because I genuinely debated wether I'd watch a Section 31 TV Series. I'm more likely to watch a one-off movie.

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I'm a fan of Section 31 with a headcannon of "it's where they send the Star Fleet members who are a bad fit so they don't embarrass everyone". Perhaps not everyone is ready for the future and it's better to leave them play HFY with dangerous toys in the shadows.

Unfortunately they occasionally need to be bailed out because they build something like Control.

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