
Struan Bread, Round 3.

This time, I followed the directions until my instrincts said "don't do that," used buttermilk for the dairy instead of the yogurt, and instead of having it rise five times, I did four, with the fourth rise being a bench rise.

The oven...the oven was well monitored, preheating for an hour while I dialed in the correct temperature (350F in oven seems to be 300 on the dial). But I made SURE it was the right temp, and it baked for the full amount of time in the recipe instead of being ready in half the time.

Also, I noticed the ingredients list listed sesame seeds, but the instructions mentioned poppy seeds. Again, not the most reliable recipe. So I decided (1) to go ahead and put sesame seeds on it and (2) use an eggwash to stick the seeds to the bread better. And it worked beautifully.

The end result...It doesn't seem as fluffy as the last loaf (I'm not sure how as it's it "taller" than the collapsed bread), but isn't really dense like the first loaf (I still think there's too much punching down of the dough). Not as wet as the last loaf, but not as dry. But you know what? It's bread! It's actually very good, and I'm calling this a success, adding it to my regular routine, and moving forward. Might make some cornbread next time....

It's nice making your own bread. REAL nice making GOOD bread.

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@dolari Well I’ll have to give it a whirl - like baking bread too

@SCampbell - I'll post the recipe when I get home later tonight! ❤

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