
Spoilers for Tears of the Kingdom 

So I knew I was gonna go see the Gerudo today, and I was gonna power through somehow, which is why I ended running through all 25 Zelda amiibo to stock up. Went up the lighthouse in Kara Kara Oasis, and flew straight for Gerudo town.

When I didn't make it the whole way, I took off all my clothes for heat resistance (which didn't 100% work as I still took damage), ate a meal that gave me extra hearts (ate a meal which gave me some heat resistance), and straight up dead reckoned through the sand shroud (which wasn't easy as they put a rift in there now to keep you from, well, dead reckoning).

AND I MADE IT. Nothing's gonna keep me out of Gerudo Town. :)

Tears of the Kingdom isn't easy at all, but it is easier if you remember all your Breath of the Wild knowledge to keep you alive (eat eat eat).

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