@Mondobizarrro - the Ocarina of Time and Twilight Princess Link amiibo will give you the maxxed out Epona the first time you use it and then randomly give out another one occasionally.
@Mondobizarrro - I dunno if they're still in print or not. I wouldn't doubt NOA will reissue them with Tears of the Kingdom out.
Also, I was wrong about which amiibo give you Epona. It's the Twilight Princess Link, and the Super Smash Bros. Link.
Amazon has them both.
Twilight Princess Link for $50: https://www.amazon.com/amiibo-twilight-princess-Nintendo-Wii-U/dp/B071CNSKWB/ref=sr_1_4?crid=3QQMBD9O0OYER&keywords=amiibo%2Blink&qid=1684613309&s=toys-and-games&sprefix=amiibo%2Blink%2Ctoys-and-games%2C143&sr=1-4&ufe=app_do%3Aamzn1.fos.006c50ae-5d4c-4777-9bc0-4513d670b6bc&th=1
Super Smash Bros. Link for $40: https://www.amazon.com/amiibo-Super-Smash-nintendo-wii-u/dp/B00N4ABVOM/ref=sr_1_2?crid=3QQMBD9O0OYER&keywords=amiibo+link&qid=1684613486&s=toys-and-games&sprefix=amiibo+link%2Ctoys-and-games%2C143&sr=1-2