
I find it funny that a lot of people are already on their third or fourth temple in Tears of the Kingdom, meanwhile, I've done ONE and only opened three maps so far.

But I'm really just hunkering down and enjoying the ride, versus racing to the end.

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@dolari this is totally my strategy. This isn't a meal to wolf down, it's a delightfully prepared meal to savour.

@dolari I’m probably going to finish the main story today 🫣.

But for me I love to watch other people play but want to experience the main story firsthand so speeding through that felt like the best option.

@dolari There’s always people with differing levels of skill, play style, OCD, access to amiibo, time & headspace. Plus tons took 2 weeks of leave.

I’ve just done one temple myself too. A bunch of shrines and made my way to a few towers. And I think that’s all the headspace & energy I’ve had to dedicate to it. I’m certainly in no rush to the end game.. although I will probably start playing DiabloIV as well in June. And then I’ll have even less of idea what I’m doing 😂

@dolari I'm exactly the same! Initially felt really behind when talking to my friends who carved through in a few days, now I've turned off the HUD and have accepted that it's okay to take your time

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