Being up late at night, and often with the windows open on nice cool nights, I'll occasionally hear something that sounds like a loud explosion. Not just here in Washington, but I've heard it in PA and Texas. I've never seen news about them, or ambulance sirens. But I always wonder what those sounds are.

In Texas, particularly in San Antonio, I could write it off as being a loud noise from a nearby concrete plant (In fact, a lot of "wierd noise" videos I see I'm like "is there a plant nearby, cause that sounds like a plant of some sort"), but out here, it's all farms.....


@Kassil - Totally possible. There's a jerk around here who street races at night.

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@dolari It's usually that or someone firing a gun to try to scare off coyotes here. We've got a *super* weird noise like a jet suddenly dropping a couple octaves then going back up, though.

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