I have a new home in Hyrule. (1/3)

Rather like it - open and airy, complete with amiibo pit. And I may have spent WAY WAY WAY too much time getting the view from the open door and bedroom juuuuuust right. Made sure Epona had her own room with amazing view of Death Mountain, too.

I mean, it's probably the only home I'll ever really own, gotta make it right....

I fear I am too greedy. I am one room allowance short of having a house I'm happy with. 15 is not quite enough for what I'm going for thanks to the design limitations.

@Sparksol - I'm very much a hobbit hole person. Give me a kitchen and a sleeping area, and that's all I need. Even the house I made for link is a bit extravagant for me.

@dolari Oh, just as a house, definitely. I am...let's say overcautious with keeping unique weapons and shields in storage, sadly. I really shouldn't, I know, but I can't help it.


@Sparksol - I'm keeping only the "specialty" weapons you get when you conquer the sage areas. But I'm waiting for that master sword and hylian shield, too....

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After rather too much time, I have just learned I can't put the master sword on display.
I even went so far as to run that glitch to get the other master sword from the opening playable cutscene, and learn you can't put that one on the display either.

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