
I know things have been publically kinda quiet since Zelda came out.

(1) I love Zelda, and being unemployed, have a LOT of time to play it.

(2) I got smacked with the flu for about two weeks. More Zelda time.

(3) There's actually another non-emergency-but-very-painful medical issue going on in my life that's being worked on slowly, but surely. Again, Zelda makes a good distraction from the constant pain.

Once I'm done with Zelda, and the pain thing goes away, I'll likely be a bit, again.

Sorry about that - hopefully, this all gets fixed up soon. Except the game. Loving the game.

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@dolari Hey, it’s not a job, keeping us entertained! You write on your terms, when you feel like it. Enjoy TotK, get the rest sorted, your prioritization! We can wait for a little while. 😊

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