This Week's Bread: Homemade tortillas.

Doin' my grandma's rolling pin proud.

# Flour Tortillas


3.0 cups flour
0.75 tbsp salt
0.5 tbsp baking powder
0.5 cup shortening
1.0 cup very hot water

1 - Hand mix all ingredients at once in a large mixing bowl until dough just comes together.
2 - Remove from the bowl and roll and knead dough on a flat surface until it's got a bumpy slightly tacky texture.
3 - Return the dough to the bowl and let it sit, covered by a damp cloth, for up to 8 hours (at least 30 minutes).
4 - Remove from the bowl and roll and knead dough on a flat surface until it's got a smooth and still slightly tacky texture.
5 - Return the dough to the bowl and let it sit, covered by a damp cloth, for five minutes.
6 - Break the dough into 16 balls.
7 - Roll out each ball with rolling pin into flat round tortillas, thin as possible.
8 - Cook on a griddle on high heat. Flip when tiny brown marks appear on the bottom side, about thirty seconds.
9 - Take tortilla off the griddle just as it begins to smoke. Repeat steps 7-9 as necessary.

@dolari Those look great! Is your old comal back in service, or was this just regular griddle today?

@TonyaMarie - just a griddle. The comal has been de-rusted and properly seasoned, but has a crack in it (thankfully, not caused by me). I'm thing to have it repaired eventually, and put it back into service.

@TonyaMarie - I noticed it when I attempted my botched de-rusting, but looking back at pictures of it, the crack was there when I got it. When I mentioned it to mom, she noticed the crack some time ago, so it's been a while.

It can be repaired by a blacksmith, but that's expensive, so it's on the back burner for now (no pun intended).

@dolari The only blacksmiths I know are back in Texas, which doesn't do either of us any good unless you want to fly there with cast iron in your luggage. 😆


@TonyaMarie - there are a few out here I looked into. Expensive, though.

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