
Star Trek Before Bed:

It's nice to see the post ST:TMP era of Star Trek getting some love:

I've always had a headcanon about what happened after ST:TMP. When I was a kid, it was "another five year mission with Kirk!" and later, as a tween who was just finding out about Phase II, figured Phase II would happen post TMP.

As an adult, I noticed Kirk was an Admiral in The Wrath of Khan, so I'd assumed Kirk left the Enterprise after the V'Ger incident, and that's when Spock became Captain of the ship, and had his own five year mission.

I went with the last one for a long time as it made sense. In TWOK, it's mentioned the Enterprise is 20 years old and ready for retirement (my truck ran longer than that, Starfleet). That'd make sense if we had five years of Spock, five years of Kirk, five years of Pike and five years of April.

Eventually, as Trek shiften into a multiverse, I stopped trying to reconcile all the different stuff, and just shuffle them off into their own universes (TOS splits and goes directly to Wrath of Khan in my "Military" timeline, while TAS splits from TOS and TMP comes after TAS in what I call the "Roddenberry" timeline).

It's nice to see this area explored a bit, as it's a grey area that rarely got touched after TWOK.

I also have a head canon for the post TOS/pre TNG era, but that gets into a wierd area I like to say parallels the downfall of the Roman Empire...but they got better. :)

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