So I was actually kinda unhappy with the Hylian Tomato Pizza. It was great, don't get me wrong. But on reheating in the microwave, the cheese and dough just melted and turned to goop.

But I just reheated a slice in the oven. AND OH MY GOODNESS IT TURNED INTO EVEN MORE OF A PIZZA.

@dolari wait, somebody made a recipe to make it in physical reality? :D

@irenes - Yup! AND THAT WOULD BE ME! :D

# Hylian Tomato Pizza

Personal Trainer: Cooking
1.0 pizza

1.0 cup bread flour
0.75 cup water
0.5 tbsp dry yeast
0.5 tsp sugar
0.25 tsp salt
0.5 tbsp extra virgin olive oil
7.0 oz fresh mozzarella cheese (diced into 1/4 inch cubes)
0.5 whole bell pepper (sliced into rings)
1.0 oz black olives (sliced)
0.5 cup tomato sauce
0.5 medium tomato (sliced into 8 slices per 1/2 tomato)

1 - Put the warm water into a bow! and add the dry yeast.
2 - Stir in the sugar
3 - Leave the yeast and sugar in a warm place for 15 minutes to activate the yeast.
4 - Put the bread flour in a mixing bow and add the activated yeast mixture.
5 - Add the salt and olive oil.
6 - Mix together well using your hands.
7 - Knead the dough until it starts to stick together.
8 - Knead the dough on a cutting board. pressing with the palms of your hands as you push the dough away from you.
9 - Rotate the dough 45 degrees and fold it over. Continue to knead a you did before.
10 - Knead the dough until the surface of the dough is smooth and moist.
11 - Dust a deep dish with flour.
12 - Gather the dough into single lump then cut into the number of pizzas you'd like to make. Roll each portion of the dough into a ball.
13 - Wait a few moments before transferring the balls of dough to the deep dish.
14 - Cover the dish with a dry dish towel and leave it in warm place for approximately 50 minutes.
15 - Preheat an oven to 475F.
16 - Remove the dough from the deep dish and press down to release any air that has built up.
17 - Dust the dough and rolling pin with flour and roll the dough balls into flat round pizza crusts.
18 - Spread tomato sauce over the pizza crust, about 1/2 cup per pizza.
19 - Layer eight tomato wedges in a spiral pattern over each pizza crust.
20 - Scatter an equal amount of black olives over each pizza crust, about 1 ounce per pizza.
21 - Scatter an equal amount of bell pepper rings over the pizza crust.
22 - Scatter an equal amount of mozzarella completely over each pizza crust., about 7 ounces per pizza.
23 - Put the pizzas in the preheated 475F oven and bake until they are crisp and golden.

@dolari oh amazing!!!!! this looks like quite an experience, making it. you did capture the look of the in-game art quite well.


@irenes - It was a lot of fun, trying to figure out what kind of underlying pizza it was.

The more I looked at it, the more I realized it was a "Margherita Pizza" without the basil, and with bell pepper rings and onions.

Then came a matter of "okay, how much of X and Y do I need to make." I have a pizza dough recipe I've used before (it's less of a bready pizza, and more of a thin crisp-ish crust), and as I started preparing it, I shifted from six small pizzas to two larger three-sliced pizzas, so things changed there.

But other than useing smaller toamtoes next time, and putting the mozzarella on LAST (which would look less like the in game pizza, but would "hold" the ingredients better), it came out as intended. :D

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