
This Week's Fancy Pants Meal:

I actually got all my meals AND a bread made today. Gonna pay for it tomorrow, I think, but, it got done.

# Spaghetti Peperoncino

Personal Trainer: Cooking
13.0 servings

1.3125 pounds spaghetti
12.0 cloves garlic
6.0 whole red chili peppers
3.0 tbsps olive oil (for finishing)
3.0 tsp parsley
0.6666666666666666 cups olive oil

1 - First, peel the garlic.
2 - Use a wooden spoon to crush the garlic.
3 - Remove the seeds from the red chilies.
4 - Pour the olive oil into the frying pan.
5 - Add the crushed garlic, and place the pan over moderate heat, tilting it slightly.
6 - When the garlic starts to steam and small bubbles appear, reduce to low heat.
7 - Gently sauté the garlic until it turns a golden brown.
8 - Tear the red chilies into small pieces, add them to the frying pan, and turn off the heat.
9 - Stir in the finely chopped Italian parsley and take the frying pan off the stove.
10 - Fill the saucepan with plenty of water and bring it to a boil.
11 - Add salt to the water, adding just under two teaspoons of salt for every quart of water you're boiling.
12 - Add the dried spaghetti, leaning it against the sides of the pan. Reduce to moderate heat.
13 - Keep the water at a gentle simmer, stirring occasionally. Refer to the cooking time given on the packaging of the spaghetti.
14 - Transfer 3/4 cups of the pasta water listed to the small bowl.
15 - To see if the spaghetti is ready, cut a piece with your thumbnail. If it's a little firm in the center, it's ready.
16 - Turn off the heat and use the sieve to drain off the water from the spaghetti.
17 - Put the frying pan with the garlic and chili in it back on the stove.
18 - Add a third of the pasta water you saved to the frying pan and heat over moderate heat.
19 - Move the pan back and forth a little on the stove so the oil and water mix fully.
20 - Add the rest of the cooking water you saved, half at a time. Mix it in while moving the pan back and forth.
21 - Add the spaghetti to the drying pan and stir it in briskly with the other ingredients.
22 - Season by stirring in salt to taste and turn off the heat.
23 - Drizzle some of the extra-virgn olive oil over the spaghetti.

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